

Click on any picture to see a larger version of it.

Tip: Windows 95 &: 98 users, to save time and eliminate reloading of same page, right click on any picture, and select "Open link in New Window."  That will open a new browser page just for that picture, leaving the page with all the photos still loaded in the background. When done viewing that picture, simply close that page and the main page with all the other pictures will still be there. Simply repeat the process for each picture you want to view.

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Most of these sweaters are available for purchase on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you see one you like, copy and paste it in an e-mail to me to see if it's still available. 

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[Charliee] [Deja] [Wm's Gallery XI] [Wm's Gallery X] [Wm's Gallery IX] [Wm's Gallery VIII] [Wm's Gallery VII] [Wm's Gallery VI] [Virginia] [A&F Women] [Wm's Gallery I] [Wm's Gallery II] [Wm's Gallery III] [Wm's Gallery IV] [Wm's Gallery V] [Karen]

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Click here to go to my Sweaters-for-sale web site,

or click on the following to...  Send me e-mail